Rosses’ Haven

Rosses’ Haven Access Hidden Content Keelheart The Kingdom of Vesilia Levent History As the former rundown soil known as Mudward turned into a new district of the capital, Cidron Ross needed a place to call his own. At the heart of the new district, a mansion inspired by the mansions of Nedox sprung to life. What started as a home for former prisoners and employees of Cidron’s enterprise became a shelter for thralls. Now Rosses’ Haven lies at the district’s square and houses many people who work for the Rosses. The Building In a sea of weathered and run-down structures of the slums stands a red clay house. Compared to the neighboring shelters this house is a rare gem. The bricks create a textured facade and add warmth to the designed building. The clay walls are punctured with mismatched wooden window frames, allowing the sun to pierce through the orange curtains within. Potted plants and flowers line up around a sturdy door adding a touch of color and life to the drab surroundings.  Inside this refuge, the craftsmanship continues. Textured red walls lead the visitors into the building with a narrow corridor. The walls display occasional paintings and tapestries of scenery. To the immediate left, a staircase with a well-worn banister beckons people upward. The stairs creak beneath its trespassers giving a testament to the journeys up and down over the years. Up ahead the corridor splits into a crossroad. To the right, a doorway opens into a large sleeping hall with beds neatly arranged in rows. Each bed is adorned with a pillow and a blanket. What few belongings the inhabitants have, lie at the foot-end of the bed. The floorboards hold traces of countless footsteps throughout the years. Groves in the woods show the walkways navigating past the rows of beds. Straight ahead from the main entrance, another large room greets its visitors. A wide array of chairs, tables, and benches fight for the space. On the left-hand side, a stage gazes down the dining hall. The smell of alcohol stuff the air thick and the floor has been smoothed down by stains, scrapes, and footsteps. In the evenings the house quakes with joy and song. To the left of the corridor, another set of doors lines up. A door to the right holds the study of Cidron Ross himself. It is a study filled with drawers and a robust desk resting on a thick carpet. The chair at the desk sits a little higher than the two opposite chairs, a testament to Cidron’s self-importance and pride.  Rosses’ Haven is never quiet. Voices, singing, and snoring carry through the building making it clear that this is a vibrant community. Thralls The lowest layer of society belongs to the thralls, people who work for a master to earn food and shelter. They do not own their own lives in many ways, especially if they sign a contract with their employer/master.  Thralls work in households, farms, and tending to others’ property.  Many have been hired to serve their entire lives with a lord or lady. However, since the rise of enterprises such as the Rosses in Levent, many thralls are under the care of businesses on contracts where the owner may send the thrall wherever there is a need for extra help. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Wanderers

The Wanderers Access Hidden Content The Kingdom of Vesilia The major religion and the official one of Vesilia is that of the Wanderers. It is a religion based on oral traditions. There are many variants of devotion to the gods who are known as the Almighty. Wanderers worship in general, all four almighty. They often represent different parts of life and death which is why the separation of one or more almighty is difficult. Death always follows life which is one of the basic principles behind this religion. In regards to morality and good vs. evil, malice is often attributed to the Beast and nightbringers. However, it is believed that people are responsible for their own actions which is why there are heretics; murderers, people who go against the Unborn, and more who are called out for being “shadow-walkers” – individuals choosing to enter the realms of the Beast. The Almighty The Wanderer The Wanderer is the representation of life. The Wanderer is said to walk the land carefully, watching the events of life. It watches over every living soul. It guards the balance between nature and humans. It is said to walk with the souls of the departed. The Wanderer is neither female nor male.  It is said that the Wanderer decided to walk the earth after the Almighty’s Justice to come closer to its subjects and protect them from the Beast. The Wanderer is the only Almighty who walks the earth. The other three only appear occasionally. The Wanderer knows everything that happens. It passes judgment on the living. It may at times decide to hand humans to the Beast willingly if a human displeases it or the Unborn. It keeps The Beast at bay and is in an eternal struggle with him. In conciliation with the Unborn, the Wanderer finds suitable places for the Unborn to become Wanderers of life. The Wanderer leads the souls of the departed on an endless journey at its side. The Keeper The Keeper who many claim to be the younger sister of the Unborn is who carries the dying into safety. She protects them against the Beast. When a human is dying he/she is at their most vulnerable to falling prey to the Beast. The Keeper is the one who stands between the Beast’s servants and their prey. She fights them off but is unable to protect humans against the Beast. Only the Beast and the Wanderer are equals in strength. The Keeper offers humans the chance to move forward and leave the earth. She brings them to walk beside the Wanderer. Once a person is on the brink of death, the Keeper weighs the actions of the individual. She makes the judgment on who she will keep out of harm’s way from the Nightbringers. Beware is a cautionary tale told throughout Vesilia to remind people of the judgment the Keeper will make. It serves to sway people from vile acts.  Scroll down further to read the tale. She is referred to as the bringer of light. When she appears to save a dying soul, the light follows. Her features are ever-changing but her protection is not for those who deserve it. The Keeper stands for death, hope, freedom, and protection. The Unborn She is the guardian of the unconscious souls of the unborn. She protects them. A child is unborn until the age of four. When they reach four, they are wanderers and therefore protected by the Wanderer. She is said to be more like a spirit and may also be referred to as such. In great battles or tragedies, the Unborn is said to protect those she has chosen to become parents. When someone lives through a tragedy or battle, it is considered rude and disrespectful to the Unborn not to father children. If the Unborn is unhappy with a survivor, she might revoke her decision to let them live and let the Beast have them. The Beast & Nightbringers The Beast or Nightbringer is he who stands for misfortune, mysticism, and chaos. He is the oldest and the most vicious of the four. Not many dare pray to him since it is feared that praying to the Beast will bring great misfortune. The Beast is the master of the Nightbringers, who gather the dying for him to claim. Once a person is taken by the Beast, he/she falls into his domain, where they drown for thousands of years inside his stomach. It is a place of torture. Depictions such as in art are not often created as it is believed to bring misfortune to all who display depictions of the Beast.  Artists and painters have instead used symbols such as strong winds with rain that cuts through everything, smoke, and ash.  When described, the Beast is an ever-changing form of utter chaos and power. It is even said that the Beast may sprout thousands of legs and arms as it is in an eternal battle with the souls trapped within. As large catastrophes occur the Beast is held responsible and said to have lost the battle with itself. The Wanderer needs to step in to get the Beast back into its proper form. Nightbringers Creatures who roam the earth in search of the dying. When they find a person who is dying they gather around the human like a pack of wolves and guard the soul until the Beast claims the soul for his own. “A fading man shrieking is a lost man,” is a common expression when speaking of the Nightbringers guarding a soul. Nightbringers may also stalk prey for a long time. They personify the pray’s beloved to fool them into an early grave. There are several accounts of people seeing a Nightbringer but believing it to be their close friend or beloved family. Of all the creatures in this religion, the Nightbringers are very hard for people not to believe in since there are many accounts of witnessing Nightbringers. Celebrations & Special OCCASIONS Awakenings

The Sergeant and the Captain

PART V OF LEGENDS STEEPED IN RED The year is 421. A district of Levent experiences turmoil and the Crown discusses a way forward. Part V of the Legends Steeped in Red collection of short stories written within the SILVER AND CRIMSON universe.


Part VI – Legends Steeped in Red Part VI of the Legends Steeped in Red collection of short stories written within the SILVER AND CRIMSON universe.

Mistress of Silence

Part IIII of Legends Steeped in Red The year is 402. Three armies, an open field, and a flame.. Part II of the Legends Steeped in Red collection of short stories written within the SILVER AND CRIMSON universe.

Fading Applause

Part III of Legends steeped in red The year is 383 in the capital of Vesilia. A performance takes place for the royal family when something goes wrong. Part III of the Legends Steeped in Red collection of short stories written within the SILVER AND CRIMSON universe. 

A Walk of Penance

Part II of Legends steeped in red The year is 394. A young man faces the consequences of his actions under the eyes of the law. Part II of the Legends Steeped in Red collection of short stories written within the SILVER AND CRIMSON universe. 


The Calm Monarchy The Plains of Drelorn South of Vesilia lies the monarchy of Drelorn, a tempered land in regard to its climate and society. Two sisters sit as queens and have ruled the country for a few years. After the massacre in Eckros, Drelorn forces were pulled back to heal and build a strong nation capable of taking care of itself. Compared to Vesilia and Burrous, Drelorn has been spared from famine, in-fighting, and plagues. South of Vesilia lies the monarchy of Drelorn, a tempered land in regard to its climate and society. Two sisters sit as queens and have ruled the country for a few years. After the massacre in Eckros, Drelorn forces were pulled back to heal and build a strong nation capable of taking care of itself. Compared to Vesilia and Burrous, Drelorn has been spared from famine, in-fighting, and plagues. South of Vesilia lies the monarchy of Drelorn, a tempered land in regard to its climate and society. Two sisters sit as queens and have ruled the country for a few years. After the massacre in Eckros, Drelorn forces were pulled back to heal and build a strong nation capable of taking care of itself. Compared to Vesilia and Burrous, Drelorn has been spared from famine, in-fighting, and plagues.


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Eckros Access Hidden Content Towers of Remembrance Stysen A Fallen Country Eckros’ history is one drenched with tears and blood. After the early settlements of the continent united into countries, Eckros was never truly safe.  Due to the earlier bountiful lands regarding cultivation, forestation, and minerals, other nations sought the treasures of Eckros. Any form of government in Eckros came and went quickly due to constant occupation and war. What lies within the former lands of Eckros remains a mystery. Upon a field, which has come to be known as the Sea of a Thousand Swords, is where the Eckrosie decided to end the greater countries’ tyranny. Starting with the massacre of foreign soldiers a few Eckrosie men and women destroyed any hopes of a bountiful future. Wildfires spread wide, leaving the country ashen and inhabitable, sealing Eckros’ fate once and for all. Year 402 marked the end of Eckros. Those who managed to survive and venture to the nearby countries sought refuge. Burrous and Drelorn opened their borders while Vesilia decided on a different action. Out of fear of Eckrosie retribution, the Vesilian king keeps a watchful eye on anyone with roots in Eckros. Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE

The Kingdom of Vesilia

The Kingdom of Vesilia To the northeast of the continent lies the fertile lands of Vesilia. Since a union between tribes and settlements was struck in the early 100s, the country has been under monarchy rule.  The amount of land included in Vesilia may be great; however, most of its human influence is found at the center in the Great Grasslands. The cradle of Vesilia enjoys fruitful summers and mild, rainy winters, while the surrounding mountain ranges experience harsher weather. As one of the more powerful nations, Vesilia has partaken in many wars. Most recently, they fought against Drelorn and Burrous to occupy the Eckrosie lands.  The Vesilian people hold one religion above the rest. The Wanderers have all but been declared the official faith. This faith has seeped into most functions of the country, influencing politics and childbirth.  Upon the previous king’s assassination, Canden Thorne (current ruler) declared war on refugees with Eckrosie roots. This issue has torn the country and threatened to dethrone the Thorne family. As such, discontent grows in the capital and the smaller settlements.  The Thornes Join the Following Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitch Readme Want to stay in the loop? If you want to get all the latest news about the Silver and Crimson Universe, please subscribe by clicking below! SUBSCRIBE


Levent Access Hidden Content Rose Lane Riverview Keelheart The Kingdom of Vesilia The Red City The capital of Vesilia. Levent is many things. On the shore of the great Lake Ember, the heart of the country, the city rises. Nearly the entire city is made from the red clay found in the lake. The city lies atop a hill that gradually rises from the water’s edge. The lake provides a vital lifeline for the city with its bountiful water, fish, and means of transportation and trade with neighboring regions. Beyond the city, the Great Grasslands of Vesilia expand in all directions. The surrounding plains are bountiful with agriculture and pastures for livestock. Normality As the sun rises over Levent, a powerful chime from the Precedent’s Court signals the beginning of trade. Other bells chime all across the city to ensure every one of the day’s arrival. The ringing may be heard for miles. As the sun sets across the orange lake the bells toll to end the trade and day. Trading and commerce are forbidden between dusk and sunrise. During the night it is not allowed to trade. It is illegal to trade insects, frogs, and rats which are alive. This is due to the increase in sickness spreading within the city. At midday, the district court sounds a bell. One ring means business continues as usual. In the case of two bells, it announces that the court is meeting. In the case of three, it means that there will be a Victim’s Will the following day. And in the case of four, it means that the Victim’s Will is to be held later in the afternoon. Artwork by Elin Kothe The Districts Levent is a collection of fourteen districts. At the very bottom lies the trading districts with the start at Ember Gate. Standing at the Ember Gate one can see Main Street cutting through the entire city as it leads to the top of the hill where Riverview watches over the city. Keelheart and Stonelake are among the poorest and most distraught districts of Levent. Bayside Point Bayside Point may be a place for the middle-class but it’s also a battleground of political ideologies. Residents are unafraid to voice their support or dissent for the Crown which stirs a lot of conflict. The discontent may be traced back to Stonelake and the utter lack of mercy the Crown showed those who dared take up arms during the rebellion. Graceview This district boasts with shops and upscale markets offering an array of high-quality goods. Graceview features townhouses with spectacular views of Lake Ember. The streets are meticulously aligned with neat rows of houses. Although it neighbors the walls separating Riverview from the rest of the city, Graceview borrows the aesthetics of its neighboring district. The red clay buildings are adorned with ornate carvings and artwork. Hawk’s Ridge The most devoted and loyal citizens to the Crown reside at the Hawk’s Ridge. Lawmakers, law enforcers, and military personnel live in close quarters.  Keelheart On the former wet and rundown soil in the forgotten northeastern corner of Levent a slum known as Keelheart has sprung forth. In 414 a young man bought the mythic and haunted mansion known as Mudward. Cidron Ross bought the Mudward from Levent’s Headman Judge Dahle. Within a matter of months, a district sprung alive. Former prisoners of Nedox were hired and given shelter within the district. Lowet Grove The center of trade and commerce, Lowet Grove is the lifeline of Levent. The strategic location near two major gates allows a flow of goods with barges and carts. Sacks of grain, spices, barrels of ale, and textiles fill the warehouses with exciting new aromas. Main Street Main Street is the most narrow of the fourteen districts. It stretches from Ember Gate all the way to the walls of Riverview. Markets and merchants clutter the streets, selling their goods to the masses. As one travels upwards this district the goods increase in value. Northrun Northrun is a district for ordinary people. Generations have lived in the cozy abodes. The residents keep a well-knitted community doing their best to not let political strife consume the streets and cause trouble. Many of the residents are loyal to the Crown as they serve the city as guards. Oaken Ridge On the western slopes of the city lies Oaken Ridge. Sheep, chickens, and pigs roam free in massive pastures. Most of the animals slaughtered feed the Crown’s forces in Levent. River’s Brook A crossroad district where the middle class thrives and merchants find respite from their travels. Inns and taverns line the dirt roads and is the most visited district in Levent due to its proximity to the warehouse district, Lowet Grove. Riverview At the top of the city lies the pride of the clay city. A beaming golden dome shimmers in the late afternoon’s glow, a constant reminder to all that the law never rests. This is where the Precedents’ Court stands tall.  The streets are of cobblestone, the houses made from marble and just about anything different from the red clay which makes up the other buildings in surrounding districts. Here in Riverview, people enjoy their privacy within their decorative estates. Many of the upper families of Vesilia visit the royal theater and conduct business with merchants and lawmen. Rose Lane Rose Lane may lack the finest living conditions but it more than compensates with a strong sense of community. Neighbors know each other by name and they share the struggles and joys of life. The compassion that radiates here even shows in the buildings. Once drab and colorless streets have been transformed into warm and inviting ones where music and stories come alive.  Stonelake By the southern walls of Levent a run-down part of the city lies. Not quite as depraved as the sister-district known as Keelheart, Stonelake was once a prominent district. Rick Haven’s rebellion began in the back alleys of Stonelake. As a punishment for the coup, the

The Crimson Wights

For a little over two centuries the Crimson Wights have existed in Vesilia. Myths and legends surround these otherworldly beings who deliver justice for victims against perpetrators. The covenant of the Crimson Wights has been consulted by every ruler since its beginning.  Their main seat of power lies in Nedox, the capital of punishment in Vesilia. There Crimson Wights are trained and created before they head on to their assigned town or city they are supposed to serve. Permanent residence for the wights are solely provided in Nedox and the Crimson Palace. The Crimson Palace The Crimson Palace On the high slopes of Nedox, a fortress seemingly carved into the mountain watches over the city below.  Within the halls of the palace, torture is used to learn the human body’s limitations. More often than not, the individuals who have chosen to become wights are subjugated to torture to understand and be receptive to the pain and anguish the victims have suffered. Many healers and learned people have visited the palace to understand the body better.